Social Media
Put your brand on blast.

Are you one of them? We talk to business owners every week about the importance of a functioning and updated Facebook page for their business. But we’re here to simplify it for you.
Imagine this: you search for a business online, and the first thing you find is their Facebook page. With over 60% of people in the U.S. on Facebook, chances are you’ll click their page instead of their website. Facebook is often the first impression of a brand, and if it looks inactive or outdated, people won’t bother visiting their website. Hiring a social media manager can be expensive. That’s where we come in. We’ll assign a dedicated manager to your account, working with you to create the perfect brand image.
We think you’re awesome and your customers do too. That’s why we believe you should be doing everything you can to stay connected and keep your brand on their radar. The best way to do that is social media.
Social marketing isn’t something you do. It’s the online version of how your company thinks and acts. In todays world social media should be a vital part of your marketing strategy.
70% of the U.S. population, over 230 million people, are active on Social Media.
58% of people in the United States say they’ve become more interested in a brand after seeing it in Facebook Stories.
52% of online brand discovery happens in public social feeds.
92% of all Instagram users say they’ve followed a brand, clicked on their website, or made a purchase after seeing a product/service on Instagram.
Brands gain business through social media.
More people than ever are using social media. With over 3.8 billion users worldwide, and over 230 million in the United States alone, social media is one of the best marketing tools you have at your disposal.
As your social media manager, we’ll strategize to amplify your brand and connect with your customers on a personal, insightful, and emotional level. After reviewing your business and customer demographics, we’ll increase your followers, engage your audience, and make your social accounts work for you.
A social media strategy should evolve with your brand. As you grow, we’ll reassess your social media goals and tailor our efforts to make sure your message is consistent and continues growing your brand.
Contact us today and speak with a Social Media expert about growing your presence.

By working with May Marketing Group, you will receive your own user-friendly publishing platform specific to your social media accounts. Here you can follow along while we grow your following and engage your fans. You can recommend alterations to scheduled posts, and share images along with additional content with your social team.
Social Media
By working with May Marketing Group, you will receive your own user-friendly publishing platform specific to your social media accounts. Here you can follow along while we grow your following and engage your fans. You can recommend alterations to scheduled posts, and share images along with additional content with your social team.

we optimize all online marketing to engage and target new customers!